Holocene and Google sign first-of-a-kind, record setting, $10Mn offtake agreement. READ MORE >>

Why Direct Air Capture

Direct air capture is one of the few carbon removal pathways not fundamentally limited by feedstock (e.g., biomass), land area, storage, or traceability concerns needed to enable 10s of billions of tonne scale.
  • scalable
    >10GTannual potential
  • permanent
  • affordable
    <$100/tcost target
  • tracable
    <1%MRV uncertainty
  • compact
    >10t/m2-yr CDR density
  • direct air capture

  • rocks

  • biomass

  • forest

  • soil

  • oceans

  • Clear and Certain
  • Possible, but Challenging
  • Infeasible or Impossible